Thank you so much for watching my stuff. I hope you enjoy them. ^_^
youtube.com/@AliKaratemiz is my YouTube Channel where my stuff go.

Ali Emre Karatemiz @FlameZero

Age 35, Male

Actor / Director

Studied Chinese :)

İstanbul- Türkiye

Joined on 11/1/03

Exp Points:
5,902 / 6,400
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MMZ - The Last Cataclysm 3 is in the making !

Posted by FlameZero - August 1st, 2007

Yo.I love this new profile pages..

Anyway Hi.Its me : Flamezero.I know its been like two years since "Megaman Zero - The Last Cataclysm 2" is submitted and some of you are going crazy for the new installment.Things had gotten in the way and I hadnt been able to work on it for a while.But so far its half finished.I don't want to fill this page with so much information.Its all written on my forum.Those who are curious about the movie and its progress go and check it.

I just wanna say that there will be an anime styled opening for this one in the movie.You will be able to watch it when the movie is loading.There will be lots of action in this one and since it will be the conclusion episode of the series it will have lots of shocking things.The extras will be there too , as always.And the naruto references....Well of course they will be in it...

I've added a screenshot from "Megaman Zero - The Last Cataclysm 3" (Or at least tried to add it...Im new with this news post thingie) but it looks kinda shitty since I made it a gif.So it would have looked better if you had checked it from my forum

There are a lot of information about the progress of the movie and lots of more screenshots from the movie (even a small swf file) on my forum.So if you wanna check them out.Go ahead ;)


Thats it.See you all...and wow I look cool ! :P




Wahay, can't wait for it Flamezero!

-Model Hx

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Here you go :)

Ya could know ur too awesome for normal humans. >.>
ya the best. ^^

Wow Thank You man
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Awesome. I'm sure it'll get front page like the other two did.

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
I hope it does

Rock Newgrounds dude! I got an account just to post here! MMZTLC3 is on the prowl!

cant wait man loved the others

Awesome man. I can't wait. :)

Waiting for your next movie...

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Its been a while

Good luck, Flame. Hope Laziness doesn't strike, Heh.


It's been a long time since then. (You must have been real busy) I can't wait till it's done and all. Always a pleasure watching your flashes. I was wondering if someday you could do a flash serie based on my fan fic, (If you may remember a PM I sent you about it sometime ago) Well, good luck.

looking good!

Oh my, looking forward to it, if I ever see it. :)
And I hope I do.

Hey man
Here you go:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

hey you wanna be freinds tell me if you do

Lets be friends
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Remember me Flamzero, long time and no so since it was my mistake. when you come back i will say and i forgive you and say that i'm sorry what i become moron..

Bye now...


I think you are a good person.
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Your Movies Is Just The Best I Love Em

Keep up the good work man, and don't leave us hanging for too long kay?

will you make a preview of MegamanZero TLC 3

I hear there are going to be Bleach extras!!! I'm expecting shunpo to get a mention and Zero going Bankai would be hilarious (not that its ever going to happen but if it does then I know that it was me who mentioned it to you first)!

Well it was planned actually..
Check this out. you'll love it:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

i hope the next one is better than the last 2 were.
if you want it to be at its best,try not to rush anything

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
I put my heart and soul into it

Well Flame, I hope to at least see an update here on newgrounds on how your progress is going, cause I can deffinately say you haven't updated on your forum at all...there hasn't been a new post on the MMZ - TLC3 topic in months, so I hope you life hasn't kicked you in the teeth so hard that you'd at least remember to tell your fans what you were up to.

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Thank you for being around :)

It's almost 2008 and it still says 2007. It's almost too late.

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