Thank you so much for watching my stuff. I hope you enjoy them. ^_^
youtube.com/@AliKaratemiz is my YouTube Channel where my stuff go.

Ali Emre Karatemiz @FlameZero

Age 35, Male

Actor / Director

Studied Chinese :)

İstanbul- Türkiye

Joined on 11/1/03

Exp Points:
5,902 / 6,400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.53 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


Wahay, can't wait for it Flamezero!

-Model Hx

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Here you go :)

Ya could know ur too awesome for normal humans. >.>
ya the best. ^^

Wow Thank You man
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Awesome. I'm sure it'll get front page like the other two did.

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
I hope it does

Rock Newgrounds dude! I got an account just to post here! MMZTLC3 is on the prowl!

cant wait man loved the others

Awesome man. I can't wait. :)

Waiting for your next movie...

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Its been a while

Good luck, Flame. Hope Laziness doesn't strike, Heh.


It's been a long time since then. (You must have been real busy) I can't wait till it's done and all. Always a pleasure watching your flashes. I was wondering if someday you could do a flash serie based on my fan fic, (If you may remember a PM I sent you about it sometime ago) Well, good luck.

looking good!

Oh my, looking forward to it, if I ever see it. :)
And I hope I do.

Hey man
Here you go:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

hey you wanna be freinds tell me if you do

Lets be friends
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Remember me Flamzero, long time and no so since it was my mistake. when you come back i will say and i forgive you and say that i'm sorry what i become moron..

Bye now...


I think you are a good person.
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Your Movies Is Just The Best I Love Em

Keep up the good work man, and don't leave us hanging for too long kay?

will you make a preview of MegamanZero TLC 3

I hear there are going to be Bleach extras!!! I'm expecting shunpo to get a mention and Zero going Bankai would be hilarious (not that its ever going to happen but if it does then I know that it was me who mentioned it to you first)!

Well it was planned actually..
Check this out. you'll love it:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

i hope the next one is better than the last 2 were.
if you want it to be at its best,try not to rush anything

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
I put my heart and soul into it

Well Flame, I hope to at least see an update here on newgrounds on how your progress is going, cause I can deffinately say you haven't updated on your forum at all...there hasn't been a new post on the MMZ - TLC3 topic in months, so I hope you life hasn't kicked you in the teeth so hard that you'd at least remember to tell your fans what you were up to.

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Thank you for being around :)

It's almost 2008 and it still says 2007. It's almost too late.

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