
15 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 68 Reviews

I knew that !!!

Woa I just wanted to gain some blam-save points so I came NG but...
I saw this Gino...And It....ROCKED....!!!!!!!!
Gino you did it...You really did it...That was wonderful...
You really improved yourself and you really learned a lot of things.

The preloader was really good..Cause I'm using 56K and all my time is wasting by watching preloaders.So an exiting preloader is good for me.The preloader reminded me my "real adventure"s preloader and thats very good..

The Menu is awesome.There is a scene selection part..WOA.Scene selection....And its very good cause we can watch our favorite scenes..Tough all of the movie was full of action.So i don't need to use that scene selection part.

The action was superb..But that will be good if you use some higher FPS...
Making action scenes are very hard..I know that...So its easy to see how hard work went into this.

That "We join heroes we we last let them" line is familiar from somewhere isn't it...Yes I've seen that line in Heatman 2's beginning..BTW this flash is much better than heatman..Heatman is just so popular and thats it.

Talkings are great at the top - keep up with this...

Musics ... Megaman x6 boss battle music is one of my favorite musics and it rocked with that battle...
And gate's Theme..I love it soo much so when it started playing i though I'm gonna have a heart attack..Cause That music is fitted too much.

That start screen and "E" selection was great..Great usage...

Protoman and Megaman fusion was great..And that "Full Scyro " from BN too..

The last fight was almost the same as rigo's...I mean You even used the same theme..Why did you do that..Other than that..That ight is great..And that theme is Sigma's theme from X7..I am glad you found those X7 musics... :)

Credits was really good too..I saw a lot of custom sprites there..And in the movie of course..

The little extra was great too...You improved your Scene creator tecniques... :) But this time it is almost the same as OLB extras..I mean you even used the same theme again...Why did you do that...But anyway its a great extra...

a perfect movie..I don't know what to say..I am proud of you..
I am really proud to have a friend like you.Like i said before...Look ! You did better than Heatman....

Look at the score You did it finally...Keep up the good work...And good night...
Thats all from me..Oh and you don'T have to reply all of the reviews..(But don't forget ot reply mine...)

See you buddy !

Ginogino13 responds:

yo flame, big review man, and i enjoyed reading it, actually, i didn't use any X7 music :( cuz they're unavailable or something, i'm glad you liked the movie and everything that came along with it, and i hope you make MM - Real Adventure 2 soon, i'll talk to you later :)


I didn't except that much..
Woa that rocked..How did you do this..
You will be the best if you continue working like this...Trust me...
Whoa..I don't know what to say..A movie like this ?? Its hard to find a megaman movie like this...


ZyneXx responds:

Thanx man! I will keep up with this!


So you thought that you can match with strach and rigo's skills ?...Well you thought wrong !!
Script was crap...
Megamans slide move looking annoying and every character is moving when talking...And all moves sucked..expect zero and blues fight but that was crap too...Zero is from future...And zero never works for bass...
And there are a lot of mistakes
Well it actually sucked...
You can only match with their skills if you really work on flash....

Ginogino13 responds:

hey part 2 is almost done, and i got a lot better since then, but i guess i'm not so good

Good job buddy !!!

Hey It's me flamezero how its goin' Rigo...
Sorry for not reviewin' early.
Well this ep was great but it has got differences from all of your other movies...
First of all you made "scene selection" part and it's great...Because we can watch our favorite scenes...
As a flash maker i know how hard to use sprites.And there are some really good sprite skills in this flash.I like the way u use "Power battle" backgrounds and some effects.
Musics are nice but in your all previous flashs U used megaman musics.And it was very good...Dunno...Megaman Zero 2 music at the end still was perfect but personally i didn'T like other musics.I hope you understand that.
BTW do you noticed ? Its score is lower than its trailer...Strange isn'T it...
I think you gotta use more action scenes...Yo'know There are a lot of "Bla bla" and not enough "boom boom"
Hope you understand all...And now I'M lookin' forward to second ep...BTW When will it come ?
Overall it is great flash.And easy to see there are a lot of work in it...
See you have a nice day.And don't forget to reply me..


CheveLoco responds:

the thing is that after 2 series i have used most of the megaman x music, and i didnt want it to use the same ones over and over again.Also i used a different kind of music cuz i want the series to be more serious and dramatic and the soundtrack helps achieve that. I noticed the score is lower than the trailer, also this one got a 3rd place while the trailer got a 2nd but hey it could've been worse, when the movie came out of the judgement zone it was just at 3.25..i'm glad it still managed to get a 3rd place.

Of course everyone likes action but also i need to try to create an engaging story to keep the viewers interested and that's when all the blah blah comes in.

Thanx for the review!

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Ali Emre Karatemiz @FlameZero

Age 35, Male

Actor / Director

Studied Chinese :)

İstanbul- Türkiye

Joined on 11/1/03

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