You did a great job ...again :D
How are you doing buddy - Its me flamezero...I hope you are ok
Well your movie rocked just like the previous ones
Only your movies make me feel like that and I love that feeling...
First of all you did a great start and great menu - and I mostly liked the music at the menu-(I love every music you chose - You got a cool music taste )
Your story is perfect - Most of the crossovers suck but yours is something like "!!!!!!!".Even I suck at making ;)
Oh BTW Cool flashback effects and thought all around the movie...I liked them too for sure.
I mostly liked sonic's dream scene.It was just ; COOL !
Hehehe-Earthworm Jim is really funny BTW
Oh ! What a cool music!!! (As you can see I'm reviewing while watching...) The music playing after sonic's dream just rocks..."The rainy night scene"
Go Wolvie !!! kill'em all !!!! Wolvie's action scenes rocks...But you need to add more action I guess - They are too short....Ummm forget about the last sentence..I changed my mind after seeing the next scene :D
BTW I found the little extra...It was cool too.And I really liked it.(Reminded me my own flash :D )
Well Overall as you can see I always love your work you just rock.But this series best episode is still the ep2 in my opinion...I dunno.The "I'm going down " music and the "forest fire" whoa...Very dramatic scene huh ? I thought I'm gonna cry when I first watched that scene ..hehe :D
All my vote power is yours and I think your these ep's should get higher scores.Cause They worth it - You are using sprites with your own style and using a lot of layers to combine good moves...Well 1 dunno how to say I just love your work
That was why I chose you for the project but Unfortunetly I couldn't get a good reply but anyway I will always give cool reviews to your movies cause they worth it.
Oh BTW - The project is going strong and I will send you an e-mail when Its done...You will be at credits...
I will be looking forward to coming episodes and I will be looking forward to working together...
Take care of yourself and don't forget to reply...
See ya , pal :D