
15 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 68 Reviews


LOL ! After talking to Yoshi and watching this , I realised that I really missed the good old days and flashes.

Yaaaaaaay ! For yoshi..He rOxX ! enough said.Keep rocking d00d.Merry christmas to everyone out thar !

Yoshi-1up responds:



Lol that was amazing.Alia looked sexy and hot.That was mostly because of the way you draw her.It was amazing..It was like 3d like when she turned back and so...But the idea is..priceless...Omg..I was wodnering why alia suddenly got kinky and who were she preapearing the video for. xDDD
Oh my god Aahahah it really was a good idea.Eevrything was well done.Alia posing in the front of mirror and the camera ,Alia sending the kiss on the cam , Alia taking pics of herself and then she turns out to be ....XDDDD I was like O.O when I first saw it though...

Haha though this is a long and pointless review it shows how much I liked the movie.This is definetly going in my favorites.And I havent favorited anything new for a long time.

It was also a good idea to have alia in it.It wouldnt be interesting if I saw roll or sumthing else..You got originality there...lol loved it.As one flash artist to another ; Keep up the great work man

Glitcher2000 responds:

Thanks. I appreciate reviewers who write more than just the generic LOL! It feels like it makes it all worthwhile. But to be sure, wouldn't depicting Roll in such a scenario qualify as child pornography? I wouldn't want the FBI to come crashing through my window.


Its been a while since I last reviewed.
I really cant vote a high score for this one.Because this is a flash portal and we have to review the submissions looking the authors flash skills.And it might also because I give high detail to my animations.
But dont worry.The humour was priceless.I really havent noticed almost all of them.I have watched the earlier episodes of this flash series of yours.And loved the humor in them too.Well keep making them.And I loved the fact that you started making this thing from the very beginning.I would of course love to see all of the naruto episodes' bloopers.
It has no flash skills.Even the preloaader and replay buttons werent working.My advise is to work on your flash skills more , you can easily make a working preloader.And there must be a free preloader here on NG.And making replay buttons arent that hard.Just put a button and give it the action ; "go to and play"..And dont forget to put that frame a "stop" action.
About the grapics it was just from naruto anime nothing special.
Style well..It didnt have any sPECÝAL style.
Sound...Its from naruto thats a good thing.You should also work on that a lil bit.
Violence..Well at times I was scared so yeah.
Interactivity.no not at all.
Humor : priceless
This can become better if you can actually make a working preloader and replay button.And at times I wasnt able to read the things on the screen because they went too fast.I had to stop the movie everytime a new scren appeared which pissed me off.You could slow the pace a bit.Or You can make the screenshots change by pressing space button.That would be a good idea really.Or just putting buttons to change the screenshots is also a good idea.
Overall Ill be looking forward to contination of this.Cant wait for more.Im only trying to help ya since I kinda liked this.I havent left a single review helping this much really.
You are really good at noticing little things and you have a good humor sense.
Thats about it...Wow...

HyperRaider responds:

Wow, since you put alot of time in this review i should put alot of time in my awnser also.
I do not really mind that you dont vote high for this thing, you see its no Flash at all. (thats true)
I do not know how to translate some stuff from English to Dutch so that makes it harder.
Simple things like a easy preloader gets really hard if i cannot translate it, i need someone to show it to me from step to step in order to redo it and actually make it work.
About the sound, i figured out Naruto sound fits good with the flash and i might should slow it down a bit so you all can actually take the time for it to read.
Well about the violence it didn't mean to scare you =P.
Everyone noticed that i should make this preloader and the replay button to work, i've looked on some tutorials and i seems very easy. (The quater is just not falling yet >_>) I want to thank you for your advice and time to review my flash. Soon part 5 is done and i will post it tomarrow. Thanks for saying that i am really good at noticing the little details, but i shouldnt take full credits for that because my brother helped me out ALOT. Thanks for the Review and i might speak you some time later.
My Regards,

HyperRaider (phew thats a long awnser (>^_^)>.)

Ehhhh...Seriously..another one ?

Hehe another "inspired" person making a MMZ flash movie.
This thing really shouldnt have the score it has at the moment.And I know a thing or two about sprite aniamting.So yeah...

1-The voices were done by the same person and it was noticable like hell.Also those voices didnt fit their characteristics at all.And It was annoying to hear the same person mumbling stuff.If you close your eyes and listen to it , it becomes the same as a person talking to himself.
2-About the story.Its original thats a good thing..But its really lame.Those kinds of things would never have happened.I'm writing this cause I dont want people to think "Omg so thats how the normal zero got beaten and the megaman zero came whoaa"
3-Sounds...were the only things that were ok
4-Sprite aniamting...Dude it was damn shaky.I was like "omg pls dont make them shake this time" while watching it.The size of Some of the characters and sum of the sprites were wrong at times as well.And Sprite movement speed kept changing..Sumtimes zero was walking slow and sumtimes doing fast moves like hell.It might be just me but those things are really important in a flash movie
5-*sigh what teh hell was wrong with those bloods and copy X's size there.
6- it took a hell long time before the fight.
7-And after seeing all those things from my movies I was at least waiting to see a credit but meh...

And I remember you showing me this too.And I said this that time too.I hate people copying things from my movies.

Call me arrogant and all but I just cant help it.*sigh I guess I have to bear with it.

Maverick-Hunter-Zero responds:

Don't worry. I plan on having voice actors in episode 2 when the time comes. Plus, the animations and the character personalities will be set in stone.


Well when I first saw this I told myself "meh another copy of my flash...It'll be a pretty bad attempt...*sigh...Just how many times I'll have to watch sumthing like this...damn look at this he didn't even tell that he had inspired this from meh....."
But I saw teh Credits and then I realised that you were sumone I talked to lol XD.I remember you know :P.That was a nice flash.Looks pretty much like my flashes.It kinda has my style but I think Its alright at least you gave me a credit.

And yeah don't ever give up.Thats how I got here.And I think you'll soon too.But make more original things you know.You can make your own story and have fans if you really try hard.

BTW.Tadaaa ! I have a present for ya.I have submitted the second part of the "Megaman Zero - The Last Cataclysm 2" and Its on frontpage so go check it out ^^

Reply my review and hope you talk to me in aim/msn again.(You'll need to introduce yourself coz I'm bad at recognising peoople :/ )

Reply my review !!! ^^

SoulOfDarkness responds:

Thanks! i'm glad that you still remember me, allthow you have so many fans. I tried to make it not like yours, but as you can see, manu people say that i even "stold sprites from you"=). I have mu own storyline, but it's not seen in the first part.
About MMZTLC2 - i've allredy added it to my favs(the menu lame it was better in the first part).See you in the msn!


Hey Blackdevil this rocked.
I especially loved the intro.Everything was so damn well synced with music and the animation went well.Though I was suprised to see mario thar XD.As I said before the sync was perfect : In Intro the text animation you made went really cool with the music ;)

Oh and about teh preloader game , well Its ok lol.And It really looks like its impossible.But sicne you are still experiencing with AS Its ok ^^.I used to hate boring preloaders with nothing (I used to have 56k) so I love these kind of enjoyable preloaders.Thats why I always make my preloaders entertaning too.XD

Ok back to the real topic : the movie was cool - ý really like your style.The battle and everything was cool especially tails part rocked so much.But your FFSX movies are always being short but thats really reasonable since doing that battle part takes time

All those different kind of effects really added something to the movie.And I loved those effects from MK VS SF movie.I should use those too :P

Anyway take care of yourself.Hope to see the rest of the series soon.And I really hope you can win that daily feature.It deserves.

Well.I'm out ^^


BlackDevilX responds:

Thanks alot FZ. Im hoping that the next few episodes will turn out to be games since i can now really make games!

Well good but no...

It was good at the start.But c'mon no story ?.And it started lagging after the first 10 seconds.You always used the same moves which made it much more boring.

I saw some sucky sprites in the middle of the fight - like while they were teleporting I saw blue sprite sheet backgrounds.-OMG

Well and those two looked like they were playing a tag game :P

The ending -who wins - part was a good idea.But both of the endings sucked really.You did a fight without anything funny and you tried to make the endings funny well that was really really bad.

And the naruto sprites at the end were naruto's Summoning technique sprites.Yet you used them for "Shadow replication" and narutos were holding guns.What the...

But Its easy to see you tried your best and this is your first submission just keep working and you'll make something good soon

BTW thats my first review after a loong while.

SilverMega responds:

Hey!Your that guy who made the Naruto music video.That was what inspired me to make this,but oh well.Thanks for the review!


OMG that was freaaaking cool STT.I really liked it.Good job there
I will probably add this to my favorites and I hope to see more works in future from you

BTW there won't be a mega project.Cause everybody kept leaving and joining and everything ws total mess so I have decided to make it in summer. -_-;; Not so bad idea though

Also I have stated making flashes my own again and A new one is coming to portal reaally soon.Hope to see you soon..And this flash was perfect..I'll be happy if you reply buddy..

Take care of yourself and see ya XD

STTWebs responds:

Sorry I couldn't write you back the last time, but thanks for the review!! We'll stay in contact about this projact and in summer I might have some time to fully attend it too!

Now that was cool

Seeing that on NG made me really happy..
I still can't belive.Just look at the score.You are improving yourself day by day see ?

I can't word my feelings now.You really did it..However I could help but this is good in this version too...

DoN't care about suckers that didn'T like your movie - they are all just jeolous :D

I even dunno who Lene Nytrom is - But this movies humor is enough for me...I mean look at it..Every scene has their own humour...

Yea that bitch rocks - And make a series of it with some better sprites.I will be glad to help you If you make-You can ask me everything about flash..I can even give you my own musics and sound effects ;)

Still I have to thank you for that "Fly" song ...Everytime I feel sad I listen that song these days and I feel better...

I want to talk with you..But Its almost impossible for you and me.(We have talked onlt three times or something like that)

And doN't worry I will always support your work and help ya
cause I love U (Again - Not in gay or something ;) ) LOL

Well good luck with your future projects and don't forget to wish me luck too...

Oh BTW I'm adding this to my favorites.Oh yea only the best flashes can enter my favorites but that one has its effort and meaning :D

Ok see ya for now...And I hope this will not be the last time I write you a HUGE review.....

Well I hope you enjoy...See ya

ZeonSoul responds:

Thanks a lot for the review!
I'm glad you appreciate my work, and enjoy it :)
Also, you adding PTB to your favorites makes me proud (even more) of my work.

It's good to know the Fly song helped you out, since it has a lot of things you can think of. ;)

(Thanks for the HUGE review!!!!!!!! :D)

I hope we can talk soon! :)



Only your movies makes me feel like this..
Thanks for the movie..

Sound acting was great...But a little weird too...But good job..That was really good movie..
And good point too...Cause Sigma was good guy at past...
When he fights with zero (see megaman x4's zero vs. aigma video) zero virus takes over sigma...And zero losts his memory at that battle..

And you did a great job with bass.Exe...But I was wondering how he came back ?

Sprites and battles were great..And that talking between megaman and protoman was really good.In the first battle I saw some little moves from my RA :) good job...

The musics are great !!! I mean very great...I really liked listening them-And good job with megaman power battle sprites too..

The series are getting better everytime.I hope to see third part soon...

My only complain is some backgrounds..Some of them were from Megaman zero and some of them weren't..That didn't fit too good.

Well...I liked it..What can I say ?

BTW would you please help me about voice acting..You know..I'M searching for actors too...

Well...Don'T forget to reply me.And see you soon.I hope this ep gets a daily first feature...I voted 5 for it of course...

Goodbye :)

CheveLoco responds:

Bass showing up will be explained in the next episode...
and about the backgrounds, they are partly made by me...otherwise the backgrounds would be very repetitive...
i could help you with the voice acting...just let me know and i will tell the people who helped me if they wanna help

Thank you so much for watching my stuff. I hope you enjoy them. ^_^
youtube.com/@AliKaratemiz is my YouTube Channel where my stuff go.

Ali Emre Karatemiz @FlameZero

Age 35, Male

Actor / Director

Studied Chinese :)

İstanbul- Türkiye

Joined on 11/1/03

Exp Points:
5,902 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.53 votes
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